How Smart Offices Will Help Reshape Our Future Work Life
Organizations across the world have evolved with time. They have become more open, airy, and highly focused on shared spaces. Due to the pandemic, we have seen a lot of organizations promoting work from home. As offices reopen and we go back to normalcy, we will see a huge change in the way organizations work. A lot of offices will have to adopt smart technology to promote the right work culture. Some organisations are already focusing on comforts like company- provided snacks, ergonomics and have no dress code. It helps professionals relax so they can be more productive.
The trend towards Smart office has picked up and it is all about using technology for ramping up the workspace so it becomes productive and employee-friendly. This can be done through the use of furniture that promotes better health or voice-enabled spaces that improve communication. Let us take a look at how smart offices will reshape our work life.
1. Smarter desks
The future of work will be about sit-stand desks and standing desks. They have gained a lot of popularity over the past few years. Organizations understand the importance of the health and wellbeing of the employees and taking the right steps towards the same. The act of switching between sitting and standing can help improve productivity, enhance creativity and reduce neck and back pain. Standing at the desk will also keep you alert and will increase efficiency. Organizations use data and IoT to make the sit-stand experience much more scientific. There are desks that send alerts or reminders when you have been sitting or standing for too long. You can also use accessories to make the most of standing desks. There are accessories like monitor arms that will enhance your productivity and will reduce strain-related concerns.
2. Easy conferencing
With the pandemic, a lot of meetings and conferences have gone online. With video conferencing taking over in-person meetings, there are various technologies that help converge the process. Large screens have become a part of conference rooms and products like Zoom has made it easy and convenient to attend meetings from anywhere in the world. We will see a lot of developments in this area in the future. Organizations have realized the fact that smart office is the future and they will adapt technology that makes communication and collaboration easier.
3. Energy-efficient workspace
A lot of us think that industrial units are using a lot of energy but the commercial sector is also using up a lot of energy on a global level. Energy efficiency is the most common IoT function that is explored by organizations across the world. The future work life will have smart sensors that will monitor the usage of energy and allow you to control it efficiently. Technology can be embedded into organizations to improve the usage of energy.
4. Voice-enabling office
The future of the workplace is smart and there is a solution to make conference rooms even smarter. Voice-enabling offices will make it easier for employers and employees to function. When an employee walks into the office, he can use his voice to power up the system. We have got a taste of it with Amazon Alexa for Business. Voice-enabling will allow the employees to multitask by using their voice for tasks, calendars, and data requests. It will help report problems, order supplies, and make conference calls in the building.
5. Better workplace utilization
Organizations are expanding without taking as much space as they used to. With mobile and cloud computing, workspaces have started making the most of space utilization. It is all about bringing your device to work, as it reduces space requirement needs for server closets, conference rooms, etc. Large enterprises will reduce the workspaces and make informed decisions about optimizing the space they own. It will also help create an optimal office environment that allows ease of workflow and facilitates interaction amongst the team. With the use of motion and activity sensors, managers can see how their staff members move around the space and they can relocate the workstations accordingly.
6. Enhancing productivity
When it comes to scheduling, collaboration, the delegation of duties, and supervision, flexible workforces can be easily managed by the use of software solutions that help improve business productivity. There are various ways companies can use technology to enhance employee productivity. Organizations can have standing desks or apps that take into consideration the work preferences of the staff. Those who need to collaborate on projects can work in the conference rooms and those who prefer standing desks can be accommodated accordingly.
7. Smart data collection
Organizations will have activity sensors across offices that will collect information related to the contribution of the individual to the team and its impact on the workplace. Gathering this type of data was huge trouble in the past because it was undertaken by staff members. However, technology has advanced and it is now possible to gather data using sensors. There is still a concern about analyzing the data and putting it to the right use. Enormous data collection will require thorough analysis to ensure that it benefits the organization.
As we gradually return to the workplace, these are a few things that will make our transition easy and convenient. Smart offices can improve performance and enhance productivity for each employee. With the advances in technology, it has become possible to save a lot of time and reduce redundancy in work. Smart technology will go a long way in every type of industry. It will help with data collection, analysis, and reporting. Employees will certainly enjoy the process and will adapt to the latest technology that will enhance their work and efficiency. Certain additions to the office like standing desks can make a huge difference to the physical and mental health of the employees. It will reduce the strain on your neck and back and will improve blood circulation.